Privacy Policy
Please visit About Page to know more about service goals and used libraries & data.
  1. General terms
    1. All described below belongs to service located on and it's subdomains
    2. Services on this domain and subdomains would be described from later on as VATSIM Radar
    3. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 06 September 2024 (revision 3)
    4. User agrees to Privacy Policy by using VATSIM Radar
    5. Privacy Policy updates will be listed on this section with updated date and revision number
  2. Persistent stored data
    1. VATSIM Radar may store your data in persistent DataBase after linking of VATSIM, Navigraph, and other accounts, listed below in clause 2.2.
    2. Personal data, stored by VATSIM Radar, includes:
      1. VATSIM user info: account token, ID and full name
      2. Navigraph user info: account token, ID and Navigraph subscription status
      3. Discord user info: ID and relation with VATSIM account
      4. Patreon user info: ID, nickname and relation with VATSIM account
      5. Twitch user info: ID, nickname and relation with VATSIM account
      6. User's preferences, including, but not limited to, Settings, Favourite users, Filters, and other non-3rd party related preferences
    3. User's personal data does not include behaviour tracking and does not include any information that may be used to analyze user's identity
    4. User's personal data may also be stored in private containers in CloudFlare and DigitalOcean for backups purposes
  3. Browser stored data
    1. VATSIM Radar may use Cookie, Local Storage or other browser storing features
    2. Data, stored in browser, includes, but not limited to, authorization token, preferences (examples: selected filters, map layers, last map position, e.t.c.)
  4. 3-rd party data sharing
    1. VATSIM Radar does not share any data, described in 2. and 3. with any external service
    2. VATSIM Radar may use CloudFlare Beacon to track minimum amount of information, as described here
    3. VATSIM Radar does not include any other analytics scripts or hidden pixels that can be used to track user
    4. All personal data can not be accessed via API, excluding accessing his own data by authorized user
  5. Data Deletion
    1. User may delete Persistent stored data, described in 2., by using Delete Account button in VATSIM Radar Settings
    2. Data will be automatically permanently deleted withing 7 days from deletion request, including 3rd party backups and snapshots
    3. User can't disallow using of Browser stored data, such as Cookies, since they are required for VATSIM Radar operation
    4. In order for service to operate normally, JavaScript shall not be disabled
    5. User agrees to storing of his data by using VATSIM Radar
    6. VATSIM Radar will also comply with deletion requests that was initialized by users of 3rd party systems which data is stored in Persistent Database, such as VATSIM, Navigraph or Discord, within 30 days from their request
    7. When deletion request was received from VATSIM, or user has decided to delete his account using Delete Account button, VATSIM Radar will also delete all of user's stored data, including preferences and 3rd party account connections, because they are related to this VATSIM Account